From the course: How to Manage Lean Six Sigma Projects: Part I

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Stakeholder communication planning

Stakeholder communication planning

- Now that you have completed a stakeholder analysis, the next step is to develop the communication plan, more specifically, how best to communicate with each stakeholder group and how often. I recommend creating a register or spreadsheet, where you list all the information you need, all that information you generated from the stakeholder analysis with your team. So let's take a look at an example. I put this template in the exercise files, so you can download it for yourself. On one side, you see the list of stakeholders. Across the top, create columns to list the different ways to communicate. List the ways that are common in your organization. Email, phone call, texts, one-on-one meeting, group meeting, announcements. For each communication method, have a column for the stakeholders' preferred frequency. I've got a drop down menu here, but you can customize it of course. I've listed things like daily, weekly, as…
