From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Performance and potential

Performance and potential

- As every manager knows, performance and potential are not the same thing. Just because someone has succeeded in a role so far doesn't mean it will continue to be the best fit for them. And just because someone isn't a high performer at a particular time that doesn't mean they don't have potential. They might flourish under difficult circumstances or in a different position. As a manager, you should always stay open to an employee success. Don't write someone off, even if they aren't living up to what you thought they would be. But the reality is you do need to keep a sense of your employees. In this lesson, I'll give you a sense of four categories of employees through the lens of performance and potential. Along with steps to take to guide employees in each one. Scenario number one, is the high performing high potential employee. These are your superstars who rise to every challenge and who always are seeking…
