From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Moving forward

Moving forward

- I want you to take a moment and think about the culture your team has. As a strong leader, you've likely done a great job building a culture you're proud of. Your employees are happy and productive, they work well together, and they demonstrate a sense of appreciation and respect towards each other. Everything is seemingly going well. But then the time comes to fire one of your own. Because you've worked so hard to build your team's culture, letting someone go can have a tough impact. If your team is close, termination of one member can lead to hostility or picking sides. You may also have team members who feel scared for their own job security or who are angry at needing to handle extra work. Even if your team members feel relieved by the termination, they still could feel unclear about the direction of the team or the importance of their role. The good news is that you can alleviate much of this worry, rally your…
