From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Making a transfer

Making a transfer

- I'm sure you heard the saying, "When one door closes, another one opens." This is true in management as well. If you've ever had a good employee who was performing poorly, you face down that closed door, but you've had an open one at the ready for you. That's the possibility of a transfer. If you hire someone who turns out to not be flourishing in the role that you brought them on for, then you have a fiduciary responsibility to not automatically write them off. They might seem like a poor performer, but that doesn't mean they're destined to be one in all situations. In this lesson, I'll walk you through when it's appropriate to consider a transfer, as well as how to make the case for one. When should you transfer an employee who isn't doing well? The first thing to consider is if they have a good attitude and are good company fit. This is a feature that bodes well for any position. A team player who supports your…
