From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Environmental impact

Environmental impact

- I used to believe that in order to be successful, you just had to be self-motivated, and while that's important, I've realized over the course of my career that even a self-motivated person can fail if their environment isn't conducive to their success. The truth is: people need the right conditions to fulfill their potential. No matter who you have on your team, whether they're high potential or low potential, they'll need a great environment to thrive. As a manager, it's your job to create the conditions under which your employees can avoid the trap of poor performance. In this lesson, I'll walk you through three ways to start creating an environment you can be sure will contribute to strong performance from all of your employees. First, you have to make sure people feel appreciated. Not only is feeling valued a key indicator of job satisfaction, it's also a key driver of performance. Start by looking for ways your…
