From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Employee engagement

Employee engagement

- Many years ago, when chatting with a colleague of mine, they told me I'm just here to collect a paycheck, sound familiar? If so, you can probably already guess that my friend wasn't very happy in that job. But even if he was, maybe he was happy being able to do the bare minimum to get by that wouldn't have fixed the bigger problem. He wasn't engaged. Keeping your employees happy is important to keep attrition low and morale high, but it's nowhere near as important to performance as engagement. In this lesson, I want to share with you the three levels of engagement and some concrete steps you can take to increase your employee's level of engagement, so none of them just show up for a paycheck. To start, recognize that engagement is the emotional connection and commitment an employee has toward their responsibilities and their place of work. Engaged employees find a compelling purpose and meaning in their work,…
