From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Cultural impact

Cultural impact

- When I think about how a successful workplace is created, I often think of the Tracy Streckenbach quote culture is about making people feel good about how they contribute to the whole. Since culture relies on contributions, it's essential that each member of your team shares the values and ideals that will propel your organization forward. Poor performing employees can breed a negative culture and can quickly disintegrate a positive workplace. Workplace culture defines the way employees complete task and interact with each other in your organization. It binds your workforce together and reinforces that your organization is or isn't heading in the right direction. Now, think of your company culture as a pie where the organization's values and mission are the crust and the day-to-day operations and interactions are the filling. When married correctly, this culture pie comes out of the oven tasting deliciously. Much of an…
