From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Creating a performance plan

Creating a performance plan

- The performance improvement plan, it's well known and widely feared. It's a formal document given to employees who are seriously underperforming and it outlines their mistakes as well as a plan for them to course correct. For plenty of people a PIP is a hint that they're practically out the door already and indeed a PIP should be assigned to your employee that their situation is serious. It's something you only use when you're coaching and training have failed to produce improved performance. But at the same time, a PIP though, it has this reputation shouldn't just be a way to document poor performance on the way to firing someone. For example, the first time I used the PIP the employee was very upset and felt I was trying to get rid of them. I was trying to show the employee that I understood their current challenges and long-term goals and I was taking an active role in supporting them. You should approach the…
