From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Considering termination

Considering termination

- The worst case scenario has come true. You've attempted training an employee, considered a transfer, and even laid out a performance improvement plan, but there just hasn't been any improvement on their part. Now, you have to seriously consider termination. This is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do in the corporate world. Even though I had tried to follow procedure, creating progressive discipline procedures, and keeping HR involved, it still cause me many sleepless nights and much emotional stress. Termination is emotional for you and for the employees. Remember to keep this conversation as compassionate and professional as possible. Then, before you even have the termination conversation, you need to follow these steps. First, have thorough documentation. If you've been invested in their success, you should have a clear record of performance reviews, data or samples of their subpar work, and a PIP…
