From the course: How to Handle Poor Performers

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Assessing reality

Assessing reality

- Do you know where you are right now? This might seem like a silly question. Sure, you might be enjoying this course from your office or in the comfort of your home, but knowing where you are goes beyond your physical location. It means you have a sense of where you are in your career. What are your goals, and where are you in relationship to them? This is an important step that routes the actions you take towards what you want to accomplish. The same rules apply for understanding your team and their performance. You need to know where you are and where you want to be in order to create a path forward. As Lewis Carroll famously stated, "If you don't know where you're going, "any road will take you there." In order to establish goals and work towards achieving them, you need to know your workforce reality. This means taking an objective view of your circumstances, particularly as they relate to your organization's ability…
