From the course: How to Get People to Like You

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How to actively listen

How to actively listen

- Ever been talking to someone and you could tell they're not listening? Happens all the time, and people spot it, and they don't like it. Or you, if you are the one not listening. I've got just a plan for you, literally, PLAN, P-L-A-N. It's an acronym for the four parts of active listening which creates stronger connections and thus, greater liking. So listen up and write down each of these along the way. First, prepare to listen. This is about getting in the right frame of mind to be able to listen. Before engaging with someone, imagine your brain is a dry erase board, like this. Take a wet sponge across it to wipe it free of distracting thoughts. You get the idea. Now, you are ready for focused listening. A few more tricks before conversing with someone. Ask, what has my attention right now? If it isn't the person in front of you, redirect, or remind yourself, be mindful, not mind full, or to zone in, not out.…
