From the course: How to Create Interesting and Meaningful Work

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The importance of critical thinking

The importance of critical thinking

- You've now seen the five areas that psychologists created around work. So you might be tempted to think that you've finished the hard part, but unfortunately these five areas are just the start. The real difficulty is using this information to make decisions about your needs. You can almost think of it like one of those old mystery novels. You're the detective that listens to dozens of different stories and tries to put together pieces of evidence. Then you tell a complete story about yourself from start to finish. To get the most of all these areas, you should do some difficult critical thinking. Now, almost everybody likes to watch good critical analysis. That's why we read those detective novels and watch shows about courtroom lawyers. If you watch these shows, then you know that one of the key parts of critical thinking is being able to ask critical questions. The problem is that there's not just one critical…
