From the course: How to Be More Inclusive

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Being an active listener

Being an active listener

- Do you ever dread going to meetings? Especially meetings with certain very vocal people who take up all the airtime? If you don't dread attending meetings, maybe you are one of the majority voices in the room. If you take up a large portion of airtime in meetings, it's time to work on becoming an active listener. In this lesson, I'll walk you through how to become a more active listener, whether as a facilitator or as a participant. One common problem facilitators deal with is that they're terrified of a silence. They feel pressure to make sure someone, anyone, is always talking. Silence can be especially uncomfortable for extroverts, but it's important to work through that discomfort to give the floor for voices to join in. As a facilitator, it has taken me time to get comfortable with silent pauses, but they're key to getting people to open up in discussions. One way to deal with this is to count to 10 in your head…
