From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Light types: Environment and HDR

Light types: Environment and HDR - Houdini Tutorial

From the course: Houdini Essential Training

Light types: Environment and HDR

- [Narrator] Now we're going to take a look at how to use environment lights in Houdini. So I'm going to click on the environment light icon on our shelf up here, just creates one in the network view. And I'm going to drag this up next to our lighting subnet, hit the P key to turn this on. So by default, it's just sort of basically a white light that's enveloping the entire scene. I'm going to go over to our highest quality lighting mode and make sure we are looking at smooth wire shaded mode. And you can see that there's just kind of this overall ambient light. That's kind of how it displays it. So I'll go to my render view now. And make sure we're looking at our render camera and hit render. We're just going to see the results of just a plain, empty blank environment light which can create sort of a nice ambient light across a scene. But the primary usage of these in production is to load into HDR maps for doing HDR lighting. Alright, so now we'll zoom out. And we can start to see…
