From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Compositing layers

Compositing layers

- Now in this scene file, this is totally blank empty scene file. No 3D assets, no nothing. And all we're going to do here, is we're going to go over to the compositing context, and we're going to show you how we can bring in images and do compositing within Houdini as well. This is a whole other world available inside of here. And of course because we're in a procedural environment, has incredible power we can have to procedurally process images. And I'm just going to show you the nuts and bolts basics of how you could also use this as your compositor. So I'm going to go to my object dropdown menu here. I'm going to go to the .img context, and you can see it says Compositing Networks. I'm going to hit TAB, I-M, and get an image network, and this is going to be the context we're going to build within. So now I'm going to go inside this, and now we're in our compositing level. Okay, so first I'm just going to hit TAB and type file, and I'm just going to bring in an image file. Okay, so…
