From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Your role as a manager of the future

Your role as a manager of the future

- When I talk about being a manager of the future, I actually mean two completely different things. First, as a manager in the future, you're going to need to be continually adaptive, even more than you are today. And, second, being a manager of the future, that is being someone who helps to manage the future before it even happens, is a completely different mindset. So, let's talk first about being a manager in the future. In five, 10, 15 years. It's not likely that the pace of change is going to slow down. Advances in technology, medicine, nanotechnology, these are only going to speed up and affect our work even more dramatically. Of course, if you're watching this in the year 2025 and life has gotten boring because innovation suddenly slowed to a crawl, you can disagree with me. But, no matter what specific technologies and practices we're following in the future, right now the rapid pace of change looks inevitable. You're also going to see continuous change in management practices…
