From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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The impact of the pace of change

The impact of the pace of change

- So we all know the world of work is changing rapidly, but does everyone really know why? Many of us has a suspicion it has something to do with technology. Well turns it, it's actually the combination of automation and globalization that's mostly fueling so many of the seismic changes we see in the world of work. By using technology to enhance a range of tasks that people preform in their work and allow those tasks to be distributed around the globe, the pace of change in the world of work is rapidly accelerating. Now you've probably heard of Moore's law, that's the famous observation by Intel's co-founder, Gordon Moore, where the performance of micro-processors, the brains of computers, doubles every year, year and a half, while the price drops by the same amount. Turns out a well known author and inventor, Ray Kurzweil, took that observation a step further. Now Ray realized that pace of change in a wide range of technologies that increase in performance and the drop in price…
