From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Tear up the old job description

Tear up the old job description

- What if I told you you had to come up with the most inefficient hiring process you could possibly think of? Well we already have it. It's called job descriptions in resumes. And we couldn't all have come up with a more inefficient process if we designed it that way. The entire mentality behind a job description is completely flawed. Most hirers are actually trying to describe the steps of a particular job, the process a worker needs to follow, rather than the results that the hirer wants. Many hirers make defining a job even worse by simply taking a job description that was used before, editing a couple of words, and tossing it into the job listings vortex of the internet. No wonder you get applications from people who don't match what you're looking for. The process doesn't help you to find your needs accurately in the first place. Imagine the next time you sat down at a restaurant. You told the chef every single ingredient that she should use in the meal she's cooking for you, and…
