From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Leverage automation for your team

Leverage automation for your team

- So your work group solves problems by performing tasks. But what happens when an increasing number of tasks can be performed by software and robots? If you manage a team in an office, you probably aren't thinking much about robots. But no matter what field you're in, you're probably finding that software is increasingly doing a range of tasks that we used to believe could only be done effectively by humans. So what does this mean for you as a manager? Your responsibility to the organization, of course, is to solve problems and to do it as cost effectively as possible. If there's a chance to use technology, which can be cheaper and more reliable that human labor, shouldn't you use it? Let's take for example, the media business. I used to be the editorial director for a half dozen technology publications. My writers would take information from a variety of sources, synthesize that information, write their stories, and then submit their copy for editing. Somebody else would decide…
