From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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How work is unbundled

How work is unbundled

- So we've already covered how jobs are becoming unbundled. Now let's focus on how work, the specific activities that we do, are becoming unbundled as well. That will help you understand how work is being affected by the twin juggernauts of automation and globalization. The Oxford Dictionary tells us that work is an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. That doesn't necessarily mean we're paid for it though, so Oxford continues it's mental or physical activity as a means of earning income. Of course, not all work is paid, but even volunteer work is still work. If we distill work down to its simplest building blocks, there are three basic elements that matter, problems, tasks, and skills. So to be paid for work, we need to be solving a problem for someone. Problems are solved by performing a set of tasks, and tasks are performed by using our skills, what we know and what we can do. This is true whether the set of problems involves a…
