From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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How the nature of the organization is changing

How the nature of the organization is changing

From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

How the nature of the organization is changing

- Once you accept that an organization is simply a set of problems to be solved, you start to see the vision of an unbundled organization with the potential for a dynamically formed workforce. In an unbundled organization, we'll all gain a tremendous amount of efficiency, but we have to make sure we don't lose our focus on providing meaningful work for people. Suppose that instead of having a team that works for you, you could simply use an app to state the results you needed along with what you'd pay to have that work done and how quickly you needed it. You press a button and then seemingly magically, when you need it, the results simply appear. Well, those apps exist already today. Think of them as work clouds, pools of skilled workers who can rapidly join to solve problems. Just like you have applications in data sitting in the cloud housed on computers you'll never see, these virtual work groups are composed of skilled professionals, some of whom you may never meet and may never…
