From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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How jobs are unbundled

How jobs are unbundled

- Now as you may have guessed, even as entire industries are becoming unbundled, it turns out that jobs themselves are becoming unbundled as well. According to Dick Balls in What Color Is Your Parachute, the enduring career manual, jobs have seven important parts. In addition to the skills and knowledges required for a job, jobs also include the people environment, the workplace environment, geographical location, compensation, and the purpose the worker feels they're fulfilling. You may think of other characteristics, but no matter what components you prefer, the various characteristics of a work role have traditionally been bundled together into what we call a job. Technology and globalization have turned these components on their sides, unbundling them and allowing them to be separated into different layers, and fundamentally changing the way work is performed as well. Take for example, geography. Many jobs used to require the work to be conducted in a specific location, like an…
