From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Hire for diversity and inclusion

Hire for diversity and inclusion

- Now, it's a simple fact that traditional hiring practices simply reinforce prior biases. In a world of unbundled work, you need to know how to remove those biases yet still move quickly. Whether we're aware of our own design criteria, we tend to repeat our own experiences and insights from prior work situations. So, if we believe we've had a reasonable success in the past hiring white American males, we tend to unconsciously identify a pattern that includes that profile, and then we select candidates for hire accordingly. Now in nature, homogeneity is a risk, a single dominant species in an ecosystem that blocks out the light for diverse competitors puts that entire ecosystem at risk. If a new threat such as disease or climate change threatens that dominant species then the ecosystem can collapse. It's only through diversity that the ecosystem survives these shocks to the system. The same is true for your team. Divergent thinking means that completely new perspectives can be brought…
