From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Help your team become lifelong learners

Help your team become lifelong learners

- If you want to have adaptive workers, you're going to need to help them to become lifelong learners. Back in 1978, author Dick Bolles wrote a book called The Three Boxes of Life and How to Get Out of Them. He said that we start our lives with a massive glut of learning. Then we shift into a segment of our lives mainly filled by a massive glut of work. And we're finally rewarded with a massive glut of leisure, in what I call the period formally known as retirement. Now, nobody told you this, back when you were in the learning box. None of your teachers told you you were going to learn all the rules for school and then you were going to be thrown, with little preparation, into the work box. And finally, when you're too tired to work anymore, you're going to be tossed in the leisure box, again without any real preparation from our society. So where did this three boxes construct come from? It turns out, at the start of the Industrial Age, we required a variety of new institutions to…
