From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Focus on you first, as a manager

Focus on you first, as a manager

- For most people, managing a team is hard work. If you don't believe me, do a search on for the category of management and leadership and you'll find around 4,000 or 5,000 titles released just in the past 90 days. Why do you think there are so many different management books? Well, it's not easy, that's why. Helping others to do their best work is challenging. I'm not going to even try to recount any of the many different management theories. As Peter Drucker famously said, "most of what we call management consists of making it "difficult for people to get their work done." Instead, let met tell you what I believe are the two most important areas of focus for a manager in disruptive times. The first focus of a manager has nothing to do with managing your team. If you want to become a manager of the future, your first focus has to be you, you first. Why does the principle of you first matter so much? If you're doing the work that you feel you're meant to do, or at least…
