From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Establish a new contract with workers

Establish a new contract with workers

- So let's look at the brave new world of unbundled work from the perspective of the worker. In the past, you could argue that the typical work context was one person, one job. But in an unbundled world of work, you might actually have a completely different relationship to work. You might have a full-time job, but you might also be doing a little consulting work on the side. You might even be writing online. You might even be working on weekends with an idea for a start-up company. Together this is what I call a portfolio of work with a variety of work-related roles. Just like an investor has a portfolio of assets sort of distributing the risk, so will workers have increasingly the same mentality. Of course there's a marvelous simplicity when a worker just has a single job and a single paycheck. But although we can feel nostalgic for that simpler time, the truth is that the contract, the agreements between the worker and the hirer has changed dramatically. Fewer companies today take…
