From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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Create a statement of work

Create a statement of work

- Now, let's assume you've done your homework, so you can truly describe the work requirements for a particular role. Now, you're ready to establish an agreement about the work to be done, a statement of work. How should you as the hiring manager have that discussion with the worker? You're going to have to flip the entire interview process and make sure the worker can interview you. When I'm introduced to a new potential consulting client, I'm often asked to immediately start describing my experience and my qualifications, but I resist every time I possibly can. Instead, I start with a series of questions to understand the client's own background and the problems that they want to solve. In fact, I'll usually spend about half the allotted time for a call or meeting asking as many questions as possible to make sure I understand their needs. Only at that point do I feel like I can start focusing on how I might be able to help them. But once I believe I understand their needs enough to…
