From the course: Hiring and Developing Your Future Workforce

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A new way to understand skills

A new way to understand skills

- So we tend to use the word skill in a variety of ways. Some people use it as the label for a trade, like doctor or carpenter. Other think of it as a set of capabilities, like building a house or fixing a car, and still others think of it as a specific activity, like analyzing or synthesizing information. Research on how to categorize skills goes back to the mid 1950s from work done by a man named Sidney Fine who I first met in my late teens and thought of, kind of, as an uncle. Sidney broke skills down into three main categories, knowledges, transferable skills and self-management skills. Knowledges are those bodies of information that are rooted in a particular area. A knowledge of brain surgery probably isn't very useful outside the operating room, so it's anchored in that specific field. Transferable skills are your abilities that can be used in a range of situations. Managing teams effectively is a skill that can be used in a wide variety of work environments. Transferable…
