From the course: Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate (003) Cert Prep

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What is the Terraform module and its uses?

What is the Terraform module and its uses?

- [Instructor] As your Terraform configuration grows in complexity, depending on a single directory or configuration file, may result in various challenges. What are the challenges of depending on a single directory? First of all, you have increased complexity in understanding and then navigating through the configuration file may be so difficult. Updating the configuration becomes riskier as changes in one section can lead to unexpected issues in other parts of the configuration. Again, copying configuration between projects can actually be error prone and also tough to maintain, leading to inefficiencies, despite the intention to share resources. There's also a challenge of growing duplication of similar configuration blocks, particularly when dealing with multiple environments such as dev environment, stage, or production environment. In this video, I'm going to explain how module can help us to address all these challenges. What is a Terraform module? In Terraform, a module is…
