From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

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Tip 8: Build self-belief to tackle obstacles confidently

Tip 8: Build self-belief to tackle obstacles confidently

From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

Tip 8: Build self-belief to tackle obstacles confidently

- Life is like an obstacle course. Thrilling, unpredictable, and full of hurdles that try to trip you up. But there is a way of navigating obstacles by building inner confidence in finding solutions and overcoming adversity. According to research conducted by psychologist Bandura as far back as the 1970s, self-efficacy refers to the belief that you're capable of carrying out the tasks required to achieve a specific goal. Those with higher levels of self-efficacy understand they may not have the knowledge, skills, or experience to tackle every new problem that comes their way, but they believe in their ability to find the answers. Self-efficacy is vital for resiliency and a growth mindset, and those with higher levels of self-efficacy are more likely to find solutions to their problems, navigate adversity effectively, and grow from the experience. Here are three simple and effective ways to develop and nurture self-efficacy to support your growth mindset. Mastery experiences. One of…
