From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

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Tip 5: Embrace optimism to support a growth mindset

Tip 5: Embrace optimism to support a growth mindset

From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

Tip 5: Embrace optimism to support a growth mindset

- Optimism is about more than expecting the best possible outcome. It's about actively shaping your perspective to view every situation as an opportunity for growth and learning. It's about nurturing a sense of personal agency, the belief that you have control over your actions and their outcomes. This sense of control is a critical factor in resilience and motivation. Here are ways that you can use an optimistic outlook to support a growth mindset. Begin by reframing how you perceive your journey towards personal and professional development. Instead of viewing this path as a series of hurdles, see it as a landscape rich with opportunities. Each step forward is a chance to gather insights and skills regardless of the difficulty. This positive framing isn't about ignoring the realities of hardship, but about focusing on potential and progress. Research on hope theory suggests that hopeful thinkers are more likely to engage in goal-directed energy, and use pathways of thinking to…
