From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

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Tip 4: Shift your identity to build self-belief

Tip 4: Shift your identity to build self-belief

From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

Tip 4: Shift your identity to build self-belief

- In today's fast paced world, the ability to believe in yourself is more than just a feel good slogan. It's a fundamental component of success and personal growth. The journey of self-belief is deeply entwined with the concept of identity. Who we believe we are shapes what we think we can do. So let's talk about actionable strategies that will help you shift your identity towards one anchored in self-belief, bolstering the confidence needed to stretch your abilities and knowledge. To start, it's essential to acknowledge that identity isn't fixed. It's a narrative that evolves with new experiences and insights. Embracing the belief that your abilities are changeable rather than fixed, allows you to become the architect of your own identity. One practical tool for this is visualization. High performers across various fields use visualization to enhance performance and solidify their identity as capable and confident. For instance, a study in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology…
