From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

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Tip 10: Take on a growth mindset challenge

Tip 10: Take on a growth mindset challenge

From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

Tip 10: Take on a growth mindset challenge

- It's time to bring everything we've talked about so far in this course together with a growth mindset challenge. As part of this process, you'll need to identify something you want to achieve that will lead to you stepping outside of your comfort zone. You want this aspiration to be achievable, yet demanding enough to stretch your skills, knowledge, or capabilities. Once you've identified the challenge, follow these steps: Set specific goals. Break down the challenge into clear, actionable steps, ensuring that each goal is attainable but requires effort and persistence. If your challenge is to learn a new skill, your goal could be to be at a specific standard by a fixed date. Plan to overcome challenges. Recognize struggles as learning opportunities and prepare yourself for hurdles in your journey to manage expectations. This way, when things don't go to plan, it won't feel like a shock. It will just be part of the process of meeting your challenge. As you set out on your challenge,…
