From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

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Creating growth mindset habits

Creating growth mindset habits

From the course: Growth Mindset Tips

Creating growth mindset habits

- You now have access to strategies you can use to get started on developing your growth mindset right away. The rest is down to you. Take a moment to consider how committed you are to creating a growth mindset. As you know, the nature of developing a growth mindset means you'll experience ups and downs, you'll face challenges, and you'll need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, especially as you work on your growth mindset challenge. In the spirit of taking action, think about the strategies you would like to turn into habits in your life. You may want to go back and watch parts of this course again to get some ideas. You might find some strategies stand out for you right now, and you're ready to put them into action immediately. For others, you might want to come back at a later date and refresh your memory, implementing those habits as and when you're ready to. So how do you build growth mindset habits? Keep the core reason at the forefront of your mind, remembering the…
