From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Why good typography matters

Why good typography matters

- Type is important because the viewer forms an impression about your message before actually reading it. In today's immersive, visually driven media culture, people have become more and more visually sophisticated. Type matters because it can help form that critical first impression about your message. Type has personality. For example, type can appear to be friendly or aggressive. It can suggest a traditional or a modern approach. It can look feminine or masculine. It can look calm or chaotic. As a designer, you want to choose a type style that best expresses the message you want to send. When type is used well and does its job, a positive impression is made immediately at a glance. When we see type being used well, we are already absorbing key information about its content. Its actual meaning. Viewers can sense when typography is used effectively but when we see type that has been used thoughtlessly, we sense…
