From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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- So, what's next for you after taking this course? As in every field, the world of typography is always evolving. We're living in a true golden age of typography. It's never been a more exciting time for me to be a typographic educator. Type design software is widely available to everyone. In fact, there are some great courses on LinkedIn Learning on type design with Charles Nix and also with Nigel French. And the internet means that it's possible for anyone to design and distribute a typeface. New technology has fueled variable width typefaces. Here are some fun examples from XYZ Type. This is a new trend you should keep an eye on. And typography is playing a role in augmented reality and virtual reality. New ideas, typefaces, styles, and people populate today's typographic landscape, and they shape our designs and communications. There has been an explosion of new typeface designs. There have been more books published…
