From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Typographic abominations

Typographic abominations

- Most of this course is about the dos of type usage, but along the way I have to point out a few all too common errors. It is excruciatingly painful when I see type that has been abused and misused. I call these typographic abominations. Please pay attention so that you will not be responsible for any of these. There's just one downside when you know how to spot these abominations: You too will see them and it will hurt. Perhaps the most painful abomination of all for me is seeing type that has been thoughtlessly, carelessly, or ignorantly altered by stretching or squashing. This simply creates ugly proportions. Specifically, the relationships of the vertical strokes to the horizontal strokes is compromised. Look at these poor letters. The horizontal strokes are way too thick and the vertical strokes are way too thin. Unfortunately, most stretching and squashing is of the extreme variety. Remember, a skilled type…
