From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Tracking and leading

Tracking and leading

- In the previous video, we learned that kerning is the manual adjustment of spacing between two specific letters, and in the previous chapter, we learned that letting and tracking affect the tonal weight or color of a passage of text type. Now we're going to look at letting and tracking on a more macro level. To review, letting is the space between lines measured from baseline to baseline. In the early days of metal type, the space between lines was adjusted by inserting thin strips of lead. Most type is digital now but we still use the term letting to describe the space between lines of type measured in points. For optimal ease of reading, letting is normally two points greater than the type size which allows a comfortable space between lines as you see in this middle column. The first column is too tight because it's a bit harder for your eye to find the beginning of the next line. The third column is to open because…
