From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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The power of type: Print-based and screen-based

The power of type: Print-based and screen-based

From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

The power of type: Print-based and screen-based

- All typography communicates specific information but good type choices can also add a powerful boost to that information. Good type choices can make that information stronger and more easily accessible to the viewer. How powerful is typography? In some cases, it's literally a matter of life and death. Yes, life and death. Think about highway signage. Highway signage must be highly legible. These signs need to be easy to read in a split second while you may be driving 60 miles an hour. They must be legible from a distance so you can read them in time to make quick driving decisions. Now, imagine that you are driving at 60 miles an hour at night or in a rainstorm with very limited visibility. The type still has to do its job. The critical information on the highway signage must be super legible, even under the worst conditions, or there can be fatal results. And think about screen-based type in our cars. We use GPS…
