From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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The grid: A structure for containing type

The grid: A structure for containing type

From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

The grid: A structure for containing type

- Grids are the building blocks of design. They are a way of dividing space, arranging content, and containing text. Grids are the designer's best friend. A good, flexible grid will organize your visual thinking and streamline your design process. A gridded space gives us a structure, we can work within that structure or we may choose to selectively break out of that structure. Either way, it's really helpful to have a grid as a starting point. Various grids are built into InDesign and other programs or you can create your own. The simplest grid is a single column width, with a fixed depth and fixed margins. These are typical for books and scholarly journals, for example. Long form reading on tablets usually works best as a one column grid. A grid can be the basis for a design concept, like this screen design, or this website, or this book cover. A more complex grid may vary in the number of columns and the way…
