From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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The emotional impact of type

The emotional impact of type

- Every bit of typography that you see has an emotional component. The emotion might be subtle or obvious, but type, and more importantly, how the type is used always has an emotional aspect. As a designer, you can identify that power and use it to amplify your message. The strongest emotions can be triggered by previous and repeated associations. Many pieces of lettering or type are iconic. Think of the Hollywood sign, which may conjure up a nostalgic sense of the film industry, or our Declaration of Independence, which may stir feelings of patriotism. Then there are logos, hundreds of logos, mostly typographic, are engraved on our collective consciousness. National brands like the Staples logo, Walmart, IBM, Macy's, the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, Coca-Cola, in most cases, just one letter of the logo would be familiar enough to trigger recognition and an association that has an emotional component. How many of these…
