From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Terminology of type based on function

Terminology of type based on function

- When type is used on screen or on the page, there's specific terminology to describe or identify typographic elements based on how they are used. Every piece of text has a name. These are the common terms that designers use in discussing the typographic components of their projects. Just as a cook or a carpenter needs to know the names of the tools they use designers also have a common vocabulary. These are the tools of the trade. This well-known magazine, Scientific American, and its companion website are a great example. Magazines have a fairly complex structure so they will have the greatest number of terms. This magazine cover has many distinct typographic elements. The name of the magazine is called its logo or sometimes its masthead. Generally, there is one main cover line, which has its own subtitle, and on the top right three secondary cover lines and above the masthead are the smallest typographic elements,…
