From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Systematized hierarchy: Branding

Systematized hierarchy: Branding

- Using typography to create hierarchy can extend even further into a system of hierarchy. Just like any system, typographic hierarchy can guide the viewer to make navigation easier, whether on screen, on the printed page, or in the physical environment. Systematized hierarchy provides a predictable structure or system with consistent and organized elements. Systematized hierarchy is generally based on levels of typographic usage, grids, and imagery. Let's take a look at how this works in the real world. The website of my alma mater, the Cooper Union, a college for art, architecture, and engineering in New York City provides a good example of systematized hierarchy. This is a complex website with many levels and kinds of content, but its structure and hierarchy allows the viewer to feel confident and comfortable in accessing its content. First and foremost, this logo remains in its place no matter where the viewer…
