From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Related parts and shapes: Family resemblances

Related parts and shapes: Family resemblances

From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

Related parts and shapes: Family resemblances

- Even if you aren't planning to design a typeface you can still be a good type detective. You can find out more about typefaces by looking at the ways in which their parts are related. Shapes of letters within a particular typeface have shapes that repeat throughout the alphabet. In fact, you can actually look at just a few letters and imagine pretty much what the rest will look like. That's because all of the letters have underlying design characteristics which come from a common set of repeated proportions. Within the 26 capital letters, you can se that there are groupings based on similar letter shapes. The curved letter parts are based on the curve of the O. The straight sided letters are based on the N. The diagonal sided letters are based on the A. The letters with bowls are based on the R. All of the letters with upper and lower parts also have a relationship to the S. There are other interrelationships. The E and…
