From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Opposing forces of typography

Opposing forces of typography

- I'm going to talk about three sets of opposing forces in typographic design. Understanding these forces will help you shape your viewer's perception. The three examples of opposing forces are formality and informality, symmetry and asymmetry and simplicity and complexity. We know the difference between formality and informality when we see it. You know that when someone's wearing a tuxedo, they're going to a very different event than when they're wearing Bermuda shorts. Typographically speaking, quiet, calm type usage, especially the use of traditional fonts indicates formality and solidity. This is the typographic equivalent of a tuxedo. We have a sense of sobriety and calmness, seriousness, organization, balance and purpose. In contrast, informality is achieved with a whimsical mix of upper and lower case letters, an eclectic mashup of typography, bright colors, asymmetrically arranged blocks of text and lively…
