From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Managing your fonts

Managing your fonts

- When type was physical, managing fonts meant keeping them in the proper drawer. Now, we live in a vast world of digital fonts, close to 2 million of them. So managing your fonts is a necessity. Keeping your fonts organized with font management software will give you peace of mind. It's like having a tidy closet. Font management software is used for installing, activating, searching, comparing, and organizing fonts. This site lists the nine best font management software packages based on user reviews. The most popular font management tool for Macs by far is Font Book. It's free. You can search and preview your installed fonts, and you can create folders in Font Book to organize your workflow. Here's a folder I created in Font Book for psychedelic fonts, which were used for a project I was working on. For PCs, there's a similar function under the Fonts menu where you can view and preview your fonts. It's also…
