From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Getting the most out of this course

Getting the most out of this course

- There are many terrific LinkedIn Learning videos that are how-to courses that teach you how to use various kinds of design software. This course is different. In this course, we are delving into typographic principles and guidelines, typographic terminology, type history, type anatomy, type classification, and much more, so there aren't any projects for you to do. Of course, there are quizzes after each chapter to test your knowledge. I also have four other LinkedIn Learning courses that are deeper dives into typography. These four courses each include a creative challenge, a project for you to do. I hope you'll check them out. To help you get the most out of this course, I've included some additional resources for you. These documents have been provided in the exercise files. They'll give you some helpful resources to keep learning after you finish this course. There's a list of type blogs, type-specific links, and free…
