From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Expressive typography

Expressive typography

- One of the reasons I've been in love with letter forms for so many years is that they collectively carry meaning. They give form and permanence to words, they transmit thoughts and ideas. So the purpose of letters is noble and essential, and that would be enough of a reason to revere them. But letters can go above and beyond their literal meaning, and that's what we call expressive typography. Expressive typography is an art form where the text is highly visual, actually, type becomes an image. Letters are not just abstract glyphs, carriers of meaning. They are also real physical shapes. One designer who is most well known for this expressive use of typography is Herb Lubalin. In 1965, he had the idea to depict marriage by simply flipping one of the R's. It's deceptively simple, it seems inevitable. Together with Tom Carnes, he also created a typographic image of mother and child. The type conveys the concept visually as…
