From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Environmental typography

Environmental typography

- Typography is all around us, wherever we walk, travel, live and work. It's a vital component of our environment. Type literally helps us get from place to place. Navigational, typography can be found everywhere. In street and highway signage. Transportation hubs. Building signage. Inside and outside of stores and institutions. We call this kind of typography wayfinding. Type helps us to find our way through the physical spaces where we visit, and spend time in our daily lives. Here are three great examples of wayfinding, and environmental design from the fine folks at the International Design Consultancy Pentagram. In the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Wayfinding systems and signage help us navigate through a sprawling space. Typographic indicators such as gate numbers, and lettered concourse identification lead visitors to their destination. Large international airports, such as this one, require…
