From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Display type vs. text type

Display type vs. text type

- An important distinction in typography is the difference between text type and display type. Here's what you need to remember. Text type is type that is designed to be read in large quantities at small sizes. It's also called body type or body copy. For example, the bulk of the text in any book, newspaper, or magazine is text type, and if you're reading a lengthy passage on an e-reader, or a tablet or mobile device, that's text type too. Display type is designed to be used in small quantities at large sizes. It's usually 14 points or larger. We use display type for emphasis and effect. For example, in logos and headlines. By some estimates, there are now about 2 million typefaces available digitally. The vast majority of all typefaces are display typefaces, and they encompass an enormous variety of letterforms. But first, let's talk about text type. Text type is small, so above all, it must be easy to read. The…
